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Publication Statistical Yearbook of Łódzkie Voivodship 2022

The Statistical Offi ce in Łódź is pleased to present you with the twenty-third edition of the Statistical Yearbook of the Łódzkie Voivodship. This publication is collective and has a cognitive and contains the set of statistical information characterizing the living standards of inhabitants and the economic potential of the voivodship as well as state of the environment. As in the previous edition, detailed information on social changes and economic processes in the Łódzkie Voivodship have been grouped into 21 chapters. The statistical tables were complemented with maps and charts which enriched the substantive context of the Yearbook. The current edition presents the preliminary results of the National Population and Housing Census 2021. The summaries of the presented data are two review tables containing the major data on the voivodship in 2000, 2010, 2015 and 2021 as well as selected information on voivodship on the background of the country in 2021. The statistical reference has been completed with general notes with explanations of terminology, methodology and scope of information. The Annex to this year’s edition of the publication contains basic statistical data in territorial break-down according to the Delimitation of Rural Areas for statistical purposes. The use of the Delimitation of Rural Areas will enable detailed presentation of the results of statistical surveys on rural areas, emphasising their diversity.

Publication Łódź in figures 2022

The leaflets includes major information concerning socio-economic situation and environmental protection in Łódź.

Publication Socio-Ekonomic Situation in Łódź 1-3 quarter 2022

The publication includes major information concerning socio-economic situation in Łódź
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