- Methodological notes
- Employed persons
- Hires
- Terminations
- The graduates of tertiary schools, leavers of vocational and secondary schools starting work for the first time
- Working retirees and pensioners
- Average monthly gross wages and salaries
- Unemployed persons registered in labour offices
- Newly registered unemployed persons and persons removed from unemployment rolls
- Registered unemployed persons by sex and age
- Registered unemployed persons by sex and educational level
- Registered unemployed persons by sex and duration of unemployment
- Registered unemployed persons with a specific situation on the labour market
- Active forms of assistance to unemployed persons
- Exposure to physical health risk factors
- Employees at workstations assessed for occupational risk
- Exposure to risk factors at work
- Accidents and persons injured in accidents at work
- Employed persons
- Unemployed persons
- Job off ers and registered unemployment rate