Living conditions of the population in the Łódzkie Voivodship. Edition 2024

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Date of publication: 17.07.2024
Frequency of publication: Annual edition

The Statistical Office in Łódź is pleased to present you with the next edition of the folder "Living conditions of the population in the Łódzkie Voivodship", which presents the basic indicators describing the living conditions and standard of living of the inhabitants of our voivodship.

A set of indicators characterises the human resources and labour market, inhabitant's wealth and housing conditions, social services and public safety as well as economic activity and infrastructure over recent years. Selected data were presented against the background of other voivodships, which allows to assess the living situation of the population of Łódzkie voivodship in a broader perspective.

We hope that this publication will be a valuable source of information on the level and quality of life of the inhabitants of our region.
